Beautiful dialogues/quotes from the mystery movie The Pale Blue Eye

“One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture – a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees – very gradually. I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.”

— Edgar Allan Poe

The bright sparkle of the cold frigid Pale Blue Eye movie is its cast. Christian Bale, Harry Melling, Robert Duvall, and Gillian Anderson were perfect in their roles and dialogues. The writers have brilliantly infused the gothic Edgar Allan Poe vibes in the movie. Harry Melling fantastically adapted the special character Edgar Allan Poe who is an army cadet and a published poet. The title of the movie is based on the poem by Cadet Poe, this poetic charm in the movie makes it more special and deep.

Here are some of the best movie lines.

“It is incumbent upon me and the honour of this institution to divulge some of the conclusions which I have reached.” – Cadet E.A. Poe

“The heart is a symbol or it is nothing. Now take away the symbol and what do you have? It’s a fistful muscle of no more aesthetic interest than a bladder. Now to remove a man’s heart is to traffic in symbol. And who better equipped for such labour than a poet.” – Cadet E.A. Poe

Oh! You cannot pretend that this act of savagery did not startle the literary resonances from the very crevices of your mind.
Lord Suckling’s charming song, “I prithee send me back my heart Since I cannot have thine.”
Or.. or the Bible even, “Create in me a clean heart, O God. A broken and a contrite heart thou wilt not despise.” – Cadet E.A. Poe

Oh, my Lord. “It is commonly known among the fraternity of evil angels that the contents of a witch’s sabbath feast are confined to the following sundries. Unclean animals such as are never eaten by Christian peoples, the hearts of unbaptized children, and the hearts of hanged men.” -Cadet E.A. Poe

I’ve been spurred to question the very grounds of my faith. And to dabble in mysterious and arcane practices of an ancient provenance. -Cadet E.A. Poe

I’m honor-bound not to reveal his name. You can’t drag it from me, not if God himself threatened to smite me with a lightning bolt. -Cadet E.A. Poe

Apologies for my tardiness. I hope I haven’t kept you too long. This is lovely. [gasps] Books! You have never interested me more. Where to begin? Oh… The lamentable Fenimore Cooper. I guess every library must have one. Ooh, what a collection. History of Egypt, and all sorts. You’ve been found out. -Cadet E.A. Poe

Poe. I understand you’re a published poet. -Artemus

I am told I evidence a humble gift. -Poe

Well, then I demand a public reading. Pleasure us. -Artemus

I met a lewd nude in Bermuda

Who thought she was shrewd

I was shrewder

She thought it quite crude To be wooed in the nude

I pursued her Subdued her and screwed her. -Poe

Your apologies have always rung hollow with me. -Officer

“Remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O Lord. For in death, there is no remembrance of thee, in thy grave who shall give thee thanks? According to thy mercy, remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O Lord. Mine eye is consumed because of grief.” -Priest

I can’t think of any woman who wishes to be immortal, Randy. – Lea Marquis

I am at once reminded of Sir Thomas Grey’s, “Full many a flower Is born to blush unseen. And waste its sweetness On the desert air.” – Poe

But to enjoy the Highlands in the full extent of their glory, it must be seen immediately after the fall of the leaf. Vegetation does not improve, but rather obstructs God’s originating design. -Poe

I do consider death to be poetry’s most exalted theme. – Poe

How well it sits on you, morbidity. Suits you better than your uniform. – Lea

I’ve never seen him dwell in the realms of melancholy.

I believe it’s possible to dance on broken glass for some length of time. Not forever. 

The frigid climate has clearly settled in for good. – Poe

Please, let us not. Do not suppose I came here to talk about the weather. How prosaic. -Lea

Declare your undying love, so we may both return home and be none the worse. -Lea

Your spirit so emboldens me that I feel free to confess… my mother has a kind of presence in my life. My sleepings and my awakenings. Yes. Yes. At times, I believe the dead haunt us because we love them too little. We forget them, you see. We don’t mean to, but we do. I believe they feel most cruelly deserted, and so they clamour for us. Perhaps it is best we don’t give that too much thought. -Poe

With enough patience, the suspect will often interrogate himself. -Landor

There’s a quality to him. To his entire family. They act like people who are guilty of something. -Landor

Well… Well… Well… Why is nothing simple with you, Poe? Where are the facts? Where are the simple facts? Yes! Or no! The truth!  -Landor

Stop it! Just, please! I hate it! I positively hate it when you take on like this. -Julia Marquis

I don’t follow your drift, Mother. -Artemus Marquis

My apologies, constable. Living on pins and needles has taken its toll on all of us. -Dr. Marquis

Do not make me question your sanity, Mr. Landor.  – Dr. Marquis

It came to me in sleep

Down, down, down

Came the hot threshing flurry

Ill at heart, I beseeched her to hurry


She forbore the reply

Endless night Caught her then in its slurry

Shrouding all, but her pale blue eye

Darkest night, black with hell

Charneled fury

Leaving only

That deathly blue eye.” -Poe

Do you see? Lenore. Lea. It speaks of your unspeakable distress. A conclusion to what’s… oppressing you. The poem… is speaking to us. -Poe

Sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love. I knew from the moment I met you, you were the one. -Lea

You and I could not be more dissimilar in manner, philosophy. But I wish to convey that if this business has ever rendered me… Which is to say, if ever out of impertinence, I have impugned… your competence… then I’m sorry. -Captain

As luck would have it, I ran into la divine Patsy. -Poe

I would have comforted you. Helped you as you helped me. -Poe

He must think God himself was on his side. Being engaged to solve the very crimes that he himself committed. And as a result, Artemus and Lea will forever go down as murderers. -Poe

Ah… There’s no forever about it. They will be forgotten just like the rest of us. -Landor

I shall not forget them! Especially my Lea. She was to be a wife, Landor, a mother. Nor shall I forget how you played the rest of us as fools. Fools. But I was your prize fool. Was I not? -Poe

No. You were the one who I was to deliver myself to all along. I knew that from the moment I first met you, and here we are. I, uh… If you want me to say I’m sorry, I will. -Landor

I didn’t want them to confess. I wanted them to die. -Landor

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